Catch West Vale opens for takeaways with 50% discount for NHS staff

Catch West ValeCatch West Vale
Catch West Vale
Catch Fish and Chip restaurant in West Vale has reopened its takeaways last weekend for collection and delivery to serve the demand.

The Catch group closed all of its restaurants when the Coronavirus lockdown was announced in March.

However, after careful consideration, each venue will now reopen for takeaways from 11.30am to 8pm on Wednesday through to Saturday.

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As a sign of appreciation to all the NHS staff who continue to put in long hours under extremely difficult circumstances during this pandemic, each restaurant will be giving a 50% discount on production of an NHS badge.

The Catch group of restaurants includes not only the two Catch branded Restaurants in Holmfirth and West Vale but also Bryans at The Fisherman’s Lodge, Headingly, Fisherman’s Lodge Street Lane and Graveley’s in Harrogate. Each of these restaurants have reopened their takeaways and will all be offering the 50% discount to NHS Staff.

In accordance with Government advice, social distancing measures and new procedures have been put in place and the priority in each restaurant is to protect customers and staff.

Social distancing signage and protective screens have been installed and as well as the traditional takeaway service a click and collect system is being used to manage orders for delivery and collection.

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Sarah Stuttle, Managing Director of Catch commented “We are extremely grateful to our loyal team of dedicated staff who have supported us with the re-opening and enabled us to open safely this weekend. Our first weekend of opening under these new circumstances went very well and customer feedback has been superb.”