Hattie hailed for amazing contribution to plumbing

Mission: Hattie Hasan.Mission: Hattie Hasan.
Mission: Hattie Hasan.
A Todmorden woman who runs the world’s only franchise of women plumbers has been recognised for her outstanding contribution to the industry.

Hattie Hasan founded Stopcocks Women Plumbers 30 years ago because she found it difficult to be taken seriously as a woman in a male-dominated industry.

Stopcocks’ mission is to bring tradeswomen together to change the UK construction sector.

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Hattie has become one of the inaugural winners of an InstallerMERIT, during a special evening at the Installer2019 trade show.

Commenting on the win Hattie said: “I was in a state of total shock. I was thinking ‘how has this even happened’? When you’re working toward something you never believe it’s going to happen, so when it does and you’re recognise you want to talk about everyone else who has helped you.

“But, as I tell the women, you also have to value yourself. I was blown away by the award.”

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