How to get your business on page one of Google - today

Lee Kenny (left) from Snowflake Media, presents Mick O'Neill with award for Investment in the Community, at the Halifax Courier Community Spirit Awards 2012, at Berties, EllandLee Kenny (left) from Snowflake Media, presents Mick O'Neill with award for Investment in the Community, at the Halifax Courier Community Spirit Awards 2012, at Berties, Elland
Lee Kenny (left) from Snowflake Media, presents Mick O'Neill with award for Investment in the Community, at the Halifax Courier Community Spirit Awards 2012, at Berties, Elland
If you have a website for your business you’ll know how hard it is to constantly bring new people to your website. Today I want to talk about how to get your business on page one in just a few hours and what you need to do to stay there.

Why you want to be on page 1

Recent research showed that up to a staggering 87% of all clicks went to the first 5 listings on the Google search results page, which means the other 5 million web page results are fighting it out for the other 13% of traffic.

The fastest way - video

Lee Kenny (left) from Snowflake Media, presents Mick O'Neill with award for Investment in the Community, at the Halifax Courier Community Spirit Awards 2012, at Berties, EllandLee Kenny (left) from Snowflake Media, presents Mick O'Neill with award for Investment in the Community, at the Halifax Courier Community Spirit Awards 2012, at Berties, Elland
Lee Kenny (left) from Snowflake Media, presents Mick O'Neill with award for Investment in the Community, at the Halifax Courier Community Spirit Awards 2012, at Berties, Elland

Everyone has probably heard of YouTube? Not only is it the #2 search engine in the World but it is also owned by Google.

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Historically famous for videos about cute cats & dogs and home videos, it is now a powerhouse for small businesses who want to get visibility on the internet.

Google is searching YouTube constantly 24/7 and because so few businesses use it, you can actually appear on page 1 within the hour.

That’s the easy but, the hard part is staying there, here’s 5 other things you can do in the medium to long term to appear on the 1st page of Google:

1 – Add new things to your website regularly. Blogs, products or news, this keeps Google coming back

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2 – Add the Twitter button and Facebook logo to your site and connect them to your social media accounts

3- Make sure your site can be indexed by Google

4- Run a free SEO check on your site using or similar and implement the recommendations

5- If you are an individual, claim your “authorship” from Google. Find out more at

Above all, be consistent, be authentic and keep your customers in mind when writing or recording a video. Visit the Courier website for a short video for tips on how to record and publish your videos quickly.

Have a great week!