Great idea but is it just moving the problem - your reaction to closing streets outside Calderdale schools

School Streets scheme outside Trinity Academy Sowerby Bridge (Picture Calderdale Community Protection Team)School Streets scheme outside Trinity Academy Sowerby Bridge (Picture Calderdale Community Protection Team)
School Streets scheme outside Trinity Academy Sowerby Bridge (Picture Calderdale Community Protection Team)
With another Calderdale school joining the School Street scheme many of you have had your say on the idea.

Trinity Academy Sowerby Bridge has joined 12 other schools across the borough which have introduced ‘School Streets’.

Since June 2020, Calderdale Council has been working with schools to trial School Streets across the borough.

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The initiative sees roads closed outside schools at drop-off and pick-up times

The Council said this provides environments outside schools that enable COVID-safe social distancing measures, reduce air pollution and support pupils to walk, cycle or scoot to school.

Many of you have seen the School Streets in action and given your thoughts on the scheme.

Sharon Reilly is in favour of it. "Brilliant idea should do it at Carr Green school in Rastrick it's chaos there when kids are going to school and getting picked up.""

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Caroline Clarke said on the closing of roads. "So they should way too many kids lives are put at risk due to careless drivers."

Denise Cooper commented: "It's like Brands Hatch some days past my house up to school. Scares the life out of me."

Jacquie Jackson added: "Wish they would do it on my road there are three schools all come out together plus a bus route it’s like wacky races between 2:30 and 4pm

However, some of you weren't sure the closures solve the problem.

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Helen Coughlan said: "It doesn't solve the problem, just relocates it."

Mark Cantwell commented: "Most ridiculous thing ever. Let's add to our congested roads by moving mommy land rovers elsewhere."

Louisa Hadjiktori wasn't sure either: "Won't make a difference at our school. If some parents had a chance, they'd park in the school office, or better still on the corridor outside their child's classroom door."

Gail Fozard agreed. "Great idea but it will just move the congestion down the next street. Xx

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Yvonne Conner had a different suggestion to the scheme: "In certain place I travel to during the week this scheme is in place. Parents are then filling up side streets else where, causing issues on junction into avenues and streets outside peoples homes. I think we need a park and ride for children from outside their school area and local children should walk."

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