School life: Ryburn's budding entrepreneurs won first prize

Ryburn students with their international peers in ItalyRyburn students with their international peers in Italy
Ryburn students with their international peers in Italy
The corridors of Ryburn Valley High School are buzzing with entrepreneurial plans this term after a team of students won first place in an international product design competition during their trip to an Italian school in November.

The Year 10 students came up with an innovative product called “Pop2”: a cup with space for both a fizzy drink and popcorn.

Their dramatic sales presentation was voted the best, and their idea will become a reality thanks to 3D printing.

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The trip was part of an Erasmus+ project focusing on entrepreneurship, which brings Ryburn pupils together with young people from Portugal, Poland, Finland, Italy and Romania. The school will host a return visit in March, when planned activities for students from the 6 nations include an entrepreneurial ‘Bake Off’ challenge and visits to small businesses in Hebden Bridge.

The entrepreneurship bug has also passed to students from Year 9, who have between now and January to see how much money they can generate from an initial investment of £10. Form groups are working as teams for the challenge and raising money for charity, developing their teamwork and leadership skills whilst enjoying the healthy competition that the school ethos promotes.

Drawn, painted and collaged, as diverse as the young people they depict, hundreds of “Selfies” have been produced by Ryburn students this term.

The self portraits will form part of a giant projection of faces from the local community on 11 December, as part of the Winterlight Festival in Sowerby Bridge.