A-levels 2018: Reaction from Calderdale schools

Students from Brighouse High School pick up their resultsStudents from Brighouse High School pick up their results
Students from Brighouse High School pick up their results
It's a big day for hundreds of students across Calderdale as they receive their A-level results and find out if they've made the grade.

Here is the reaction from the borough’s schools as the results come in.

Todmorden High School

Headteacher, Gill Shirt, said: “We are very pleased with our Sixth Form results this year. We had some great individual performances from Beth Stroud and Billie Gale. Many of our students had already received unconditional offers, those waiting on today’s results got the places at university or the employment opportunities they desired; we are exceptionally proud and very pleased for them.

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“All of our students and staff have worked extremely hard and, with the support of their parents and the school community, have been enabled to now spread their wings and succeed in the world of higher education or employment.

“We wish them all well in their new beginnings and the next chapter of their lives.”

Lightcliffe Academy

Lightcliffe Academy students are celebrating their A Level results. Many students have made exceptional progress and this is reflected in their destinations. As well as students going to their choice of University we have record numbers going into employment and Level 3 Apprenticeships.

Head Girl Lydia Milburn and Head Boy George Clarke have led by example: Lydia is going to Leeds College of Music having achieved two A* grades and two A grades. George is going to Leeds Beckett to study Sports Journalism having achieved an A and two B grades.

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Mrs Fuller, Assistant Principal said: “I am delighted for the students and wish them well in their future studies and careers”. Mr Rothwell, Principal said “These results reflect the hard work of students and the positive progress being made by the sixth form as a whole.”

Calder High School

Staff and students at Calder VI are delighted with the A-level results.

Calder High, Head Teacher Anthony Guise said: “In line with the national picture for A-level results, we have seen an increase in the proportion of A*s, As and D*s (Distinction*) awarded to our students and significant improvements in the grades awarded for more traditional academic A levels. This improvement has enabled the majority of our students, who now leave us after their two years of post-16 study, to start on courses at university with most students securing their first choice. “This year has also seen more students taking the opportunity to start higher apprenticeships in a range of fields.

“These results reflect the hard work that our students put in through their time in Calder VI and represent fantastic personal achievements. We would like to wish all our students every success in their future studies and careers and thank them and their families for their on-going support through the last two years of their time at Calder High School.”

Hipperholme Grammar School

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Hipperholme Grammar School pupil, Olivia Pearson, is one step closer towards her professional golf dream following some impressive A-Level results.

The school has recorded a 25 per cent rise in A*s and As since 2017 and reported a 93 per cent pass rate in its A-Level results.

Olivia, who has represented Yorkshire Girls in golf and continues to impress on the fairway, achieved A*s in geography and sports studies as well as an A in biology to get the results needed to study Golf Management at Birmingham University from September.

Further success stories from Bramley Lane included Will Luty who will decide between studying mathematics at Warwick University or psychology at Huddersfield University following A*s in both subjects. He also achieved Bs in further mathematics, physics and French.

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Emilia Cooper has an offer from Birmingham University for its Theatre Studies and Drama course after she achieved As in English and history and a C in music.

Jackie Griffiths, Hipperholme Grammar School headteacher, said: “I am thrilled that the hard work and diligent approach from our pupils, coupled with the outstanding teaching and support from our staff, has resulted in such excellent A-Level results.”

Brighouse High

A Level  students at Brighouse High School have performed well again this year and we are pleased to report that the vast majority of students have secured their first choice university place or have been successful in pursuing a Level Three apprenticeship.  Around 40 per cent of students achieved top grades of A*- B or Distinction grades.

Liz Cresswell, Headteacher said “It has been pleasing to see so many of our students doing so well in the advanced level courses especially as many of the courses were being assessed for the first time this year. I would like to congratulate students on their success and wish them the very best for the next stage of their careers. I would also like to thank teachers and support staff for all the hard work which went into preparing students for these qualifications.”

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Some of the top performing students of the college were: Max Fenton, Jordan Philamore, Megan Moon, Philip Short, Ellis Hobson, Sam Puddephat, Kallam Biricz, Izzy Tidswell Allan, Joshua Mauger Wright, Andrew Raine, Elliott Sayers, Georgina Shirlaw, Ben Stimpson, Lucy Duncan and Molly Westhead.