Beds shop boss rests easy as trade returns

Edgar Leech at Elland Bed Centre.Edgar Leech at Elland Bed Centre.
Edgar Leech at Elland Bed Centre.
A Calderdale bed shop '˜just about survived' after losing more than a third of its business following the 2015 Boxing Day floods.

Elland Bed Centre was left isolated after rising waters destroyed neighbouring Elland Bridge and lost business from across the district because access had become difficult.

But things are looking up for Edgar Leech and his company since a £5.5m revamp of the bridge was completed after more than a year of work.

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He said: “Trade just dropped off completely after the bridge went. People couldn’t get to me easily and we had to travel much further because you couldn’t get back into Brighouse. I would think we dropped by 35 per cent. We lost all the Huddersfield side of trade because they just didn’t know how to get to me. But now footfall has increased no end. Thirteen and half months is a long time and it seemed to take forever, but it a complicated job.

“We want to put this all behind us and go forward. It’s just an act of god but we have survived it and we are looking forward to better things.”