Jail for Brighouse knife man who attacked two men in Wyke

Jailed: Christopher Broadley, of Lower Edge Road, BrighouseJailed: Christopher Broadley, of Lower Edge Road, Brighouse
Jailed: Christopher Broadley, of Lower Edge Road, Brighouse
A Brighouse man has been jailed for three years after he attacked two men with a knife after they came looking for him at a house in Wyke.

Christopher Broadley, 45, was cleared by a jury yesterday (Thursday) of wounding Michael and Kevin Johnson with intent to do them grievous bodily harm, but was convicted on alternative allegations of unlawful wounding after a jury at Bradford Crown Court deliberated over the evidence for more than five hours.

Broadley, of Lower Edge Road, was also cleared for assaulting William Johnson the day before the knife attack last October.

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Prosecutor Soheil Khan told the jury at the start of a five-day trial that following the alleged assault on William Johnson his brother Kevin and his nephew Michael decided to speak to Broadley about the incident after they had been drinking.

When they arrived at a house in Main Street, Wyke, they were told that Broadley was not there, but he then appeared carrying a knife.

During the incident Michael Johnson suffered knife wounds to his left forearm which resulted in nerve damage and a seven-inch long scar.

Kevin Johnson suffered a stab wound to his back which needed 12 stitches as well as cuts to his chest and right forearm.

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Broadley claimed he had been acting in self defence and the court heard that Judge Jonathan Durham Hall QC had in fact bound over the complainants in the case to keep the peace.

Jailing Broadley for the wounding offences Judge Durham Hall said he had lit the blue touch-paper the day before and the Johnsons had got drunk and wound up before they came looking for him.

The judge said Broadley didn’t hesitate to stand up to them and didn’t hesitate to pick up a particularly sharp knife.

It is understood that Michael Johnson’s arm injury required emergency surgery lasting four hours after one of the wounds pierced an artery and Judge Durham Hall said he had survived thanks to effective medical intervention.

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“The message has got to go out to Wyke that the courts’ eyes are turned on Wyke,” added the judge.

“I had no idea there was this level of simmering violence and clan rivalry, but if anybody thinks they can, as it were, bully other residents of Wyke and think they have rights to do what they want think again.

“The police will be watching now and if anybody behaves like this again I hope everybody is charged with affray at the very least.”