Police looking to make their mark and deter thieves

PC Ben Doughty (left)PC Ben Doughty (left)
PC Ben Doughty (left)
Police are hoping to make their mark and deter thieves at the same time.

Calderdale place are hosting a free two-day property marking service to deter thieves from stealing mobile phones and other electrical items, and increase the likelihood of victims having their items returned.

Officers will be at the Woolshops in Halifax town centre from 11am until 3pm on Friday, August 29, and Saturday, August 30.

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They will register items on the Immobilise, which is a free online property register enabling users to create a secure record of personal possessions such as laptops, mobile phones, cameras and various other items. They will also have a quantity of property marketing kits available free of charge, although they are on a first come first served basis.

PC Ben Doughty, of Halifax Police, said: “Just think of all those numbers stored, documents saved and memories held on laptops, tablets and mobile phones. If they were stolen you would want to get them back quickly and the thief caught.

“Registering your items is a quick and free job and increases your chances of getting your property back if the worst happened.

“If a stolen item is recovered by officers then it can be reunited with its rightful owner straight away. Thieves will also be more reluctant to take valuables if they know they are marked up and so can be traced back.”