Search for mystery caller in Bradford

Police are appealing for witnesses following a suspicious incident in Cousen Avenue, Bradford.

At about 5.30pm on Wednesday, May 14, an elderly woman was sat in her living room when she saw a man looking through her window.

The woman then heard a knocking noise at her front door and asked who it was.

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The man replied by giving the correct name of her neighbour and said he was checking to see if she was okay, but it later transpired that the neighbour was at work when this occurred.

The victim then noticed that her door had been damaged.

It is not believed anyone gained entry to the property and nothing was stolen.

The suspect is described as white and was wearing a baseball cap. He spoke with a local accent.

Detective Inspector Ben McDonald, of Bradford District CID, said: “We are appealing to anyone who might have seen someone of similar description acting suspiciously in the Clayton Road area, either before or after the incident.

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“The suspect clearly had good local knowledge, and it is possible he may have tried to gain entry to other properties nearby.

“Anyone with information is asked to call PC 4316 Ambler on 101 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555111.”