Funeral date for Halifax comic book shop owner Simon Shaw

The funeral date has been set for Simon ShawThe funeral date has been set for Simon Shaw
The funeral date has been set for Simon Shaw
A funeral date has been set for popular Halifax comic book shop Simon Shaw.

The funeral takes place at St Thomas’ Church in Greetland on August 1 at 11.15am, followed by a cremation at Park Wood Crematorium, Elland at 12.45pm.

Donations in his memory will be collected for Forget Me Not children’s hospice at both services. Anyone who knew Simon is welcome to attend.

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The 40-year-old who lived in Greetland, ran the Legacy Comics shop in Halifax, and was a well-known and popular figure who was passionate about comics and wrestling.

Cat Byrne, from Calder Valley Scribblers, said: “I met him about three years ago when I was just starting to read and draw comics again.

“I went to his shop and introduced myself. He made me feel welcome and comfortable, and did every single time since.

“It didn’t take long to feel like family there, and I know he was like this with everyone. Everyone was welcome, everyone was looked after.

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“Every year Simon held a Free Comic Book Day event at the shop, and in 2017, we joined him in organising The Big Kahuna -- an artist alley held on the same day, in Westgate Arcade.

We did it again in 2018, and were already coming up with ideas for next year.

“Simon was always so energetic, full of ideas, and always so sociable. He had a real talent for connecting people with one another. And I know he sent several people our way to join our comic collective here in Todmorden.

“Through Simon I also met several artists and writers who I now call my friends.

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“And then one day I found out that he had self published a poetry book! That came as a surprise as I didn’t realise he had this hidden talent. I bought the book and was so impressed. I know he enjoyed going to poetry evenings and was making a name for himself in this new endeavour.

“One of the last conversations we had was about how we could work together to make his shop focus on independent comics.

“When I read that he had passed away, it felt like time stood still. Did I read the right name? Could it be a windup? I still cannot fully process that I’ll never see his face again, or his booming voice shouting my name.

“I feel very much for his family, and I am holding them in my thoughts.

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“Simon will be missed dearly. I can only hope he is in a good place, and perhaps even with some cool superpowers.”

Simon’s friend James Lawrence said: “I met Simon in 2013, when I discovered his shop after he moved from The Piece Hall.

“Over the years of weekly visits I got know him as a friendly, helpful, knowledgeable purveyor of comic books and we became good friends.

“He was known and liked by a great number and range of people from Halifax and beyond, with regular customers from as far away as Bury.

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“I would just hangout in the shop and after a while I began drawing while there. Simon referred to me as his “artist in residence.”

“As well as a comic shop owner he was also a prolific writer of phenomenal poetry, released his book “Spectral Lines” in the last year.

“I will miss him a lot.”

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