Hoax bomb scene cut from Ackley Bridge after Manchester attack

Cast of Ackley Bridge. Picture: Channel 4Cast of Ackley Bridge. Picture: Channel 4
Cast of Ackley Bridge. Picture: Channel 4
Channel 4's new Halifax-filmed series has made a last-minute edit and cut a 'fake bomb hoax' scene from the first episode in light of Monday's terror attack.

The six-part series is set to make its debut next month, but the opening episode features a sequence which sees a troubled student strap a fake bomb to himself on the first day of term at the new Ackley Bridge College.

The show focuses on the merger between a predominantly white and a predominantly Asian school.

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In the scene, the boy causes panic when he stands up in assembly, but is seen laughing when the fake device blows confetti everywhere.

The episode is now being re-worked in light of the terror attack at the Manchester Arena, which led to the tragic deaths of 22 people,

A Channel 4 spokesman said: "In light of the tragic events in Manchester, the first episode of forthcoming drama series Ackley Bridge is being re-edited."

It's not known how the scene will be changed, or how it will affect the plot as the series moves forward.