'˜I'll have a smile I can be proud of' - Conrad faces his fear of the dentist in new TV show

Conrad Andrews with Davina McCall. Picture: ITVConrad Andrews with Davina McCall. Picture: ITV
Conrad Andrews with Davina McCall. Picture: ITV
A Halifax man faced his fear of the dentist on a new ITV show fronted by Davina McCall.

This Time Next Year follows people from all over the UK as they prepare to share with the nation what they pledge to change about their life by ‘This Time Next Year’.

The pledge could be anything from losing half their body weight, finding the love of their life or even becoming a parent.

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Conrad Andrews, 34, formerly of West Parade flats, Halifax, and now a student in Chester, has had a fear of the dentist since his teens after suffering a traumatic experience.

The repercussions meant he hadn’t visited a dentist in 20 years and was constantly embarrassed by his teeth.

But in an emotional reveal last night, Conrad revealed a stunning set of pearly whites after finally facing his fear.

This Time Next Year will took us on Conrad’s journey in ‘time travel’ style format. Once his pledge was made, Conrad left the studio ready to begin his challenge. Just moments later he reappeared completely transformed.

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Speaking on the programme he said: “The worst moment for me was the morning of the first procedure, my first one since the terrible experience I had when I was 13-years-old.

“As soon as I stepped through the door, my stomach was doing somersaults, my heart was pounding ten to the dozen.

“Hopefully, when I come out I will feel like it’s a new chapter in my life and think about what this new smile is going to bring me.”

Before Conrad knew it, he’d had six teeth taken out and the session had finished - he had conquered his fear.

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Ten weeks on, he had dentures fitted, giving him the smile he had always dreamed of.

Speaking to Davina McCall after the big reveal, Conrad confessed he’d watched horror movie ‘The Dentist’ before his first treatment, but said he had no regrets.

“It’s brought my confidence levels up, I’ve gone on a date,” he said.

Conrad thanked his friends, family, dentist and all those who sent him supportive messages.

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