Letter: Simple solution is to install speed bumps

Residents are unhappy about plans to bollard the top of Albert Promenade, HalifaxResidents are unhappy about plans to bollard the top of Albert Promenade, Halifax
Residents are unhappy about plans to bollard the top of Albert Promenade, Halifax
Re John Piasecki's letter, Courier, January 12.

I agree with some of his comments regarding Albert Promenade, and agree its ‘closure’ will affect all the residents of Calderdale.

However, I have been complaining repeatedly to two local councillors since moving here three years ago regarding repeated incidents of what can only be described as lunatic driving, in the main by a small number of individuals, usually in what are high powered rental cars.

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I have noted an increase in a police presence, for which I am grateful. The only problem with a police presence is it only has effect when the police are present. I know they cannot be here 24/7.

The simple solution is to install speed reduction measures similar to those on lower Parkinson Lane, road narrowing combined with very severe speed bumps, which I have suggested several times.

I’m certain the closure order, which in effect will be a road sign stating ‘Access for residents and emergency services only’, will be ignored by the mindless minority, just as it is now along with the ridiculous 20mph speed limit here, (which incidentally studies have proved to cause an actual increase in pedestrian accidents).

Maybe the threat of closure and a public objection will force the council to install effective speed control measures instead of taking the easier and cheaper option?

I am now in favour of any measures introduced, including this proposed road closure, before someone is killed.

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