Letter: Time to think about who we put in power?

Brighouse LibraryBrighouse Library
Brighouse Library
It was interesting to read an article by Coun Scott Benton's (Leader of the Conservative Party). His remarks could have set alarm bells off, for some of us. Now this may not be a bad thing, as apathy is dangerous.

It’s a good breeding ground also for those making decisions, who don’t like to be challenged.

For many years I took an interest in politics and Calderdale Council. Then I chaired the Pensioners’ Association (in Brighouse).

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Also I became very much involved on the committee for Friends of the Rydings.

It was 2001 when Brighouse Library and Smith Art Gallery came under threat from the council and Brighouse/Rastrick people rose up in their thousands to protest and protect them. It was incredible!

The Echo also was appreciated as for years (nearly eight years) they reported and kept the public so well informed about what was happening. Also Coun Colin Stout (Independent, Brighouse) showed a great deal of interest in the community and attended our meetings, to sit and listen, which is to be admired.

The point I’m making is that councillors should be in touch with what is going on. Coun Benton tells us Labour/Lib Dems are not. So, is this so?

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It would be interesting to hear what the Conservatives disagreed with in regards to Calderdale’s cuts. What they have done? Councils should be more open. In the past we have heard about meetings with closed doors. This is the sort of thing which makes people apathetic and mistrust them.

It would be helpful to know our councillors’ views, priorities and values more. If Coun Benton’s correct in saying that our current administration lacks leadership, vision, capabilities and competence, surely it’s time for us to think about who we put in power.

Esme Dyson, The Drive, Hipperholme