Resident's call to place bins in more strategic places around Halifax

We now take bin bags with us and collect litter as we walk alongWe now take bin bags with us and collect litter as we walk along
We now take bin bags with us and collect litter as we walk along
I write on behalf of three ladies who walk together weekly. We were concerned every week about the amount of litter we saw along our country roads and various housing estates as we walked along so we decided to do something about this problem.

We now take bin bags with us and collect litter as we walk along.

The first week, walking from Norton Tower to Mount Tabor (about one mile) we completely filled four bin bags with the litter we collected. We left these bags by a council bin along the road.

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We have noticed that over the few weeks we have been doing this that the litter problem seems less along that road! We walk this way about once a month.

Other weeks we vary the walk around the Warley hillside but still collect as we walk, leaving our full bags at council litter bins or by household bins as we go. Sometimes we empty into the bin what have in our bag and continue to use the same one.

On one walk, from our church, New Hope United Reformed Church at the top of Warley Road, Kenyon Lane, Bob Lane (no litter here although it is an industrial place!) down Sandhall Green to Albert Road, which is a distance of roughly eight hundred yards, we had already filled two bags with litter which we left by some household bins which were ready for collection by the dustmen.

We are doing out bit! But we do not seek accolades – only help.

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Please could the council place litter bins in more strategic places along our roads? We know this costs money to provide and empty but, as a community, we have to do something.

Couldn’t the weekly dustbin collectors be responsible for the emptying of such bins on their rounds?


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