Thought of the week: The end of the Christmas story

Halifax MinsterHalifax Minster
Halifax Minster
This week the twelve days of Christmas comes to an end.

Cards are taken down, decorations are put away and parties are over. Today sees the start of the season of Epiphany.

This is when we remember the revealing of Jesus to people of every race and nation.

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In particular, we remember when the wise men came to worship the infant Jesus guided by the light of a star.

Represented in those wise men are all the sciences of time, all the philosophies, all races and nations.

All are present to bow in reverence to Jesus, the light of the world.

The wise men brought their gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh. In the same way we have gifts to bring.

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The greatest gifts that we can give is ourselves. A wise men laid before him their symbols of love, wealth, worship and of pain and suffering, so we can spread out our own lives.

We can use our gifts in the service of others to bring love and peace to our world. There are so many worthy causes and charities that need practical help.

At this time of the year we hear about the homeless and those who sleep out in the cold with little food and comfort.

The wise men had faith in God and trusted that he would guide and help them.

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In the year ahead we need the same faith, trust and courage.

In the same way that the wise men had the star to guide the,so we can have Jesus as our guide and strength.

If we have difficulties in our lives we need to ask God to help and put us on the right path.

The wise men followed the star and they found Jesus. Wise men still do!

Canon Stephen Bradberry

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