Weekend Thought: Unity makes a difference

Halifax MinsterHalifax Minster
Halifax Minster
This time in the churches' calendar is the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity.

Churches throughout Calderdale have been meeting to pray and share together during this special week.

Unity makes a difference. It is no wonder that Jesus prayed ‘that all may be one’. It’s not an optional extra; it enables us to be and to do what God wants for us. Across the country there have been examples of churches from different traditions sharing together in mission projects – feeding the hungry, giving shelter to the homeless, helping to free people from debt and giving help to immigrants and asylum seekers. There has been a building of strong and trusting relationships. This is particularly the case in Calderdale eg the Food Drop-in Centre.

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We live in a world of great need where there is poverty and inequality. We need the good news of Jesus to be brought to our nation and our world so that this and future generations may know the love of Christ.

There will always be ideological challenges, in faith and order issues. Yet, we need to celebrate each other, and to accept the gifts which each brings. Our diversity is a God given gift which we need to appreciate and use. Love requires us to listen to each other, to continue in dialogue, to share what we have, and to learn from each other’s traditions. We need patience, understanding and wisdom.

We are encouraged to be all one in Christ Jesus. Today, more than ever, our churches need to be united so that they, together with those of other faiths and no faith, may speak out with one voice.

Let us pray for church unity, take that leap of faith and discover what is possible when we worship and serve God together.

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