Paedophile found dead in cell

James Giles.James Giles.
James Giles.
A convicted paedophile from Morley, serving a 10-year sentence for offences committed in Calderdale, has been found dead at a prison near Doncaster.

James Giles was found unresponsive in his cell at Moorland Prison on April 6.

The 25-year-old from Morley, Leeds, was serving a 10-year extended prison sentence handed to him in March 2013.

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He had admitted four sex assaults on a child under the age of 13 and one of inciting a child to engage in sexual activity.

A Prison Service spokesman said: “HMP Moorland prisoner James Giles was found unresponsive in his prison cell on Wednesday, April 6.

“Staff attempted CPR and an ambulance was called but he was pronounced dead at 6.20am.

“As with all deaths in custody there will be an investigation by the independent Prisons and Probation Ombudsman.”

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Government figures pubished earlier this year revealed that 11 people have died in prison in Doncaster in the last year.

Five died in HMP Doncaster, three in Lindholme, two in Moorland and one in Hatfield.

The spokesman said: “We take our duty of care to prisoners extremely seriously.

“All deaths in custody are fully investigated by the independent Prisons and Probation Ombudsman and subject to a Coroner’s inquest.”

Giles’ offences took place at a property in Calderdale.

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At the time Bradford Crown Court heard a report into Giles’s behaviour that made troubling reading.

It said he had expressed a sexual interest in children and was excited by things which were taboo.

Judge Jonathan Durham Hall QC praised Giles’ victim for her very clear account of the abuse.

He said her complaint to her mum and subsequent police interview had made the prosecution of Giles much easier.

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Samples from Giles’s fingernail clippings were found to match the victim’s DNA.

Judge Hall said when sentencing Giles: “In my judgement you pose a significant risk of serious harm to children if given the opportunity to be in their company alone.

“In other words you are a very real danger of abusing, or worse, little children.”

The judge said his sentence was meant to send out a clear message to the public that those who are corrupted by pornography and who have an evil interest in children would be punished as severely as possible.

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