"Animal mad" Claire takes over Todmorden kennels and cattery

Claire Cooper at Sunnyview Kennels and Cattery, Todmorden.Claire Cooper at Sunnyview Kennels and Cattery, Todmorden.
Claire Cooper at Sunnyview Kennels and Cattery, Todmorden.
After years of hard work, battling a rare form of cancer and a passion for working with animals, Claire Cooper has taken over as manager of Sunnyview Kennels and Cattery in Todmorden.

The 33-year-old has had a passion for animals since being young.

She said: “As a child I’ve always been animal mad, from helping my grandparents heard cows on the farm, to walking their dogs.

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“As a teenager I worked at a local horse riding school, as well as looking after family and friends’ pets and livestock whilst they went on holidays.

Millie the black labrador in one of new kennels.Millie the black labrador in one of new kennels.
Millie the black labrador in one of new kennels.

“I’ve always been animal mad.”

When it came to choosing what career path to go down Claire knew what she wanted to dp. She studied animal care in college and then went on to study Animal Welfare and Management. It was during her college studies when she started work experience placement at Sunnyview Kennels and Cattery.

Sadly around that time in 2010 Claire was diagnosed with a rare cancer. But she says it was her studies that helped her through the treatment and gave her something to focus on. “I spent seven months doing coursework from a hospital bed, but still coming out with the highest grade possible,” Claire said.

“Owners Lynn and Wayne Mitchell at Sunnyview offered me part time work around my college studies, along with me watching in on training sessions. I knew this is where I wanted to be, and went on to full time work after my studies.”

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After over a decade at the kennels Claire has now taken over the business following the retirement of Lynn and Wayne.

Claire said: “It feels good to be progressing my career in somthing I am so passionate about and a job that I love. It’s not often you can say that you enjoy getting up for work every morning after 11 years.

“The kennels and cattery have recently been refurbished, along with adding a brand new luxury kennel building. They even have TVs! I’m looking forwarded to bringing new ideas to the business.”

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