Dance group Cindy's Stompers give performance at Overgate's garden party

Cindy's StompersCindy's Stompers
Cindy's Stompers
Following the success of their flash mob appearance in Westgate Arcade earlier this month, dance group Cindy’s Stompers gave a performance at Overgate Hospice’s Garden Party on Sunday.

Over 30 dancers performed five dances, starting with a dance to a rowdy rendition of ‘Sweet Caroline’ followed by a dance called ‘Glasses to the Rafters’ and then a swaying Latin rumba called ‘Caribbean Angel’ to the well known music of ‘Angel of the Morning’.

The tempo peaked with an energetic demonstration of ‘Like I love Country Music’ before ‘Tequila’, sombreros and maracas finished the performance.

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To next see Cindy and her Stompers keep your eyes open for flash mob appearances in Halifax, while they will also appear at the Crow Wood Great Get Together on Sunday, 2 July.

If you want to know more about any of the dancing or if you would like the dancers to help raise money for your charity, contact Cindy on 07951 339300 or email [email protected].