Overgate Hospice Colour Run raises £20,000 so far - and sponsorships are still pouring in

Overgate Hospice Colour Run 2019Overgate Hospice Colour Run 2019
Overgate Hospice Colour Run 2019
Runners in this year's Colour Run at Savile Park in Halifax have already raised £20,000 for Overgate Hospice - and sponsorships from the event last weekend are still pouring in.

Over 1,440 participants took part in the annual event which sees runners take on a 5k route whilst being doused in powdered paint.

Read: 31 amazing pictures show runners covered in rainbow paint at Colour RunBefore the start of the race the host Bazz from Bazzmatazz Dance Studio warmed the crowd of runners up with a routine to Queen’s hit Don’t Stop Me Now before bringing back The Colour Run Cuddle, asking everyone in the crowd to hug their nearest and dearest for 30 seconds, remembering loved ones no longer with us.

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After the run, runners were then invited to join the Colour Party, hosted by Bazz from Bazzmatazz Dance Studio, during which fire extinguishers filled with the powdered paint created clouds of colour above the crowd.

The event was sponsored by five local companies; Main event sponsors Caravan Guard Ltd, and four colour station sponsors: Brook Miller Mobility, Rishworth School, Babyballet and HYSTAT Systems.

Each sponsor brought a team along to man one of the five colour stations positioned around the route, and took pleasure in covering both the runners, and inadvertently themselves, in the paint

Jess Bailey, Events Fundraiser said: "We are so grateful to everyone who took part and made this another incredible Colour Run.

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"I would like to extend special thanks to all of our sponsors; to our Colour Party host Bazz and to the team of over 70 volunteers, without whom the event simply could not have taken place.

"We already can’t wait until next year!"

Read: Sean Bean and Dynamo Yorkshire Tea adverts receive 'thousands of lovely comments'Funds raised will go directly to providing vital end of life care to patients and their families in Calderdale.

Next year’s Colour Run will take place on July 11 and to sign up call 01422 387121 or visit www.overgatehospice.org.uk.