Song for Christmas: Winner revealed

Teacher Scott Olgard with Withinfields Primary School, Southowram choir winners of the Halifax Courier Song For Christmas.Teacher Scott Olgard with Withinfields Primary School, Southowram choir winners of the Halifax Courier Song For Christmas.
Teacher Scott Olgard with Withinfields Primary School, Southowram choir winners of the Halifax Courier Song For Christmas.
The votes are in and the winner of the Courier's annual Song for Christmas competition can now be revealed.

Schools across Calderdale worked extremely hard on their singing performances as they vied for the top spot. The competition was kindly sponsored by Harveys of Halifax, which has kindly offered prize money for the top three schools.

In at first place and retaining their title is Withinfields Primary School, Southowram, whose beautiful rendition of Coldplay’s ‘Fix You’ impressed our readers. The school will now receive £250 to say a big ‘well done’ for their efforts.

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Scott Olgard, class teacher and music co-ordinator at the school, said: “We’re all over the moon about winning. We were really, really proud to retain the title and we don’t think it has been done before.

“We tried out a few different songs, but we really liked how Fix You sounded - it’s the kid’s choir and they choose the songs,” he added.

“I went to tell them the news half-way through a class and they all jumped out of their chairs, they were so happy. Parents have come in to say well done. I would just like to say congratulations to the kids, because they did a really good job.”

St Andrew’s Infant School, Brighouse, came in at two, and will receive a £150 prize and Elland Junior and Infant School came third and will receive £100.