The Lee Kenny column: Avoid a sluggish start to 2019 by getting ahead now

Lee Kenny, managing director of Snowflake Media.Lee Kenny, managing director of Snowflake Media.
Lee Kenny, managing director of Snowflake Media.
This week I'd like to be the first to welcome business owners, entrepreneurs and sales people everywhere to 2019!

Don’t worry, I haven’t skipped a month on the calendar, but if you want your business to flourish in the new year the work needs to begin now if you are to avoid a slow start to 2019.

There is a myth that December is a virtual shutdown for business.

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While its true lots of businesses will close on the 21st that still gives two weeks to get a head start on the new year.

Make appointments now

Assuming the people you want to do business with next year do have an incredibly busy month, they will have time to book a slot in the calendar for early January.

When you compare this to calling them the first day back in January and having had 2 weeks off, you could be looking at a two-three week wait.

Plan your Post Christmas activity

“If you fail to plan, then plan to fail” is a commonly quoted sentiment in business and while it’s something that business owners “Know” it isn’t always tangible. It needs committing to paper, giving the ideas physical mass! Having it all in your mind is not the same as having a strong plan.

Set your goals

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New Year resolutions have a great adoption rate but an awful success rate! With that in mind why wait? Take some time to set those goals now.

These can be financial goals, productivity, relationship or even health related.

Who knows, you may even feel inspired to get started early. If your business depends on leads and prospects, then make sure you set goals for all stages of the process.

So how many calls, emails and letters will you need to make in order to hit the numbers required for success. If you trade internationally, think about the impact a change in currency or Brexit may have next year. It could mean that a 10% growth in business is almost entirely offset by rises in costs or a fluctuation in rates.

Capture all the leads you can

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For those of you in retail, it’s easy to watch December fly by in a blur, grateful for busy tills and much needed commerce. What can you do now to capture data from as many of these December shoppers as possible?

Taking contact details at the till while people are queuing may not work for you. What can be physically given to them to encourage an online or email sign up that aims to get them returning ahead of schedule when times may be a little quieter in January and February?

Discount coupons, competitions are all string contenders.

Here’s to a great start to the year ahead!

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