The Lee Kenny column: Lessons that can be learned from the jungle

Lee Kenny is managing director of Snowflake Media.Lee Kenny is managing director of Snowflake Media.
Lee Kenny is managing director of Snowflake Media.
It's hard to believe we are now on Season 18 of the ITV Show 'I'm a Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here'. It got be thinking of the lessons that businesses and entrepreneurs could take from the show'¦even if they don't watch it!

People Buy People

Underneath it all, we are looking at a popularity contest, not necessarily the most adept person when it comes to the trials.

Business is much the same way. It isn’t always the best price or product that wins the day. Building rapport and relationships probably wins more deals than any other factor.

Eat That Frog (or bug!)

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Brian Tracy, the management guru, coined the phrase “Eat The Frog”. What he was referring to was getting that unpleasant or awkward task out of the way first. When you do this, the rest of the day is more enjoyable and productive.

Positive Mental Attitude

As I watched the 40+ snakes enter the chamber in Emily’s final task I found myself saying “Ugh, I couldn’t do that”.

What she actually showed was some real focus. She didn’t have to pretend she liked the situation she stayed focused, turning her mind to something better and pushed on through.

Many business owners place false limitations on themselves with well-told stories about how things have always been.

When you push yourself you can always achieve more.

The right person for the job

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What’s even more unpleasant that eating grubs, being covered in snakes, or having spiders crawl all over you in the Jungle? Probably having to empty the temporary lavatories used for 12 people in the baking heat. The smell must be unbearable.

Step forward this years’ contestant, the lovable Harry Redknapp. It turns out Harry has no sense of smell and in his own words. “I can’t cook, so I might as well make myself useful”.

His skill, in this case a lack of smell, means he is happy to do it as he isn’t affected by the most unpleasant part of the job.

Great teamwork in action.

What are the tasks in your business that someone else would be better placed doing?

Paperwork, social media, cold calling or chasing invoices?

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If you have more than one person in your business, chances are someone would love to do the jobs you aren’t thrilled about!

When you get something right, roll it out

Since it’s launch by London Weekend Television in 2002 the show has been franchised in 10 other countries including India, the USA and Denmark.

It is still broadcast in five of those countries and has been filmed on location in Brazil, Australia, Argentina, Suriname, South Arica and Malaysia. When you find a formula that works go for it and make hay while the sun shines!