Woman escapes jail after lying to police

Bradford Crown CourtBradford Crown Court
Bradford Crown Court
An Elland woman has narrowily escaped an immediate prison sentence after she lied to police during an investigation.

But Bradford Crown Court heard that during a search Town was found hiding in a small cupboard under the stairs.

Town was arrested by police over three allegations of common assault, including one on his former partner, but in a statement he claimed to have been with Fletcher at the time.

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Prosecutor Louise Pryke said Fletcher herself then provided a statement saying that Town had been with her the whole evening and had not been out of her sight.

Within days however Town pleaded guilty to three charges of common assault and one of criminal damage when he appeared before magistrates and he was jailed for six months.

Fletcher, 27, of Langdale Street, Elland, pleaded guilty to a charge of perverting the course of justice.

Her barrister Joanne Shepherd submitted that Fletcher had felt under pressure to tell the police that Town was not at her home.

Judge Jonathan Rose remanded Fletcher sentenced her to six weeks in jail suspended for two years.

Fletcher will also have to comply with a 20-day rehabilitation activity requirement.