Halifax's Andrew Sparkes secures top 40 finish in World Sprint Triathlon Championships

Andrew SparkesAndrew Sparkes
Andrew Sparkes
Halifax's Andrew Sparkes says it was a "great experience" after competing in the World Sprint Triathlon Championships in Canada at the weekend.

Andrew raced for the GB team in the 55-59 age group category at the finals in Montreal on June 25.

Andrew, who grew up in Halifax and attended Heath Grammar School, is a British Triathlon Level 2.1 Diploma coach, and coaches at Bicester Tri Club.

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He said: "Race day was hot, humid, 22 to 32 degrees, and the day before it was going to be changed to a duathlon - ie no swim - as the water quality in the harbour had deteriorated after several heavy storms.

"I was elated when we were told in the evening before the race that it will be a triathlon, as that is why I had travelled and what I had trained to race.

"78 athletes started in my age group and 77 finished.

"My race was one of my best swim, bike and runs for quite some time and I ended the race being able to say out loud that I am “39th in the world”, which is a great feeling.

"My team-mates in the GB age group squad brought back a good medal haul as they earned several podium positions with gold, silver and bronze.

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"I spent a few days afterwards being a tourist in Montreal along with watching the elites achieve podium positions in the duathlon and mixed triathlon, which was a great experience as we shared the same course only a few hours earlier."

Andrew's next world qualifier race is in September, and he is set to start training for that when he returns home.

"I think I have got the bug to keep testing myself against the best the world has to offer," he said. "Onwards and upwards."

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