Launch of Speaking Tubes at Dean Clough postponed due to Storm Ciara

Flooding at Dean Clough during Storm Ciara. Photo: Collette Pickering.Flooding at Dean Clough during Storm Ciara. Photo: Collette Pickering.
Flooding at Dean Clough during Storm Ciara. Photo: Collette Pickering.
The launch of a new exhibit at IOU in Dean Clough has been postponed following flooding this weekend due to Storm Ciara.

The Speaking Tubes were scheduled to launch this Saturday (February 15) but has been put on hold until further notice.

Read: Volunteers and cleaning supplies are needed as Calderdale flood clean-up continuesThe IOU Team said: "IOU have experienced some flooding following the storm this weekend.

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"Because of this we've taken the decision to postpone the launch of Speaking Tubes scheduled for this Saturday, while we get everything back in order.

"There will still be plenty going on with the other Spring Shows around Dean Clough, so don't cancel your visit entirely."

This new work by local composer and artist Katie English played through sculptural sound installation Speaking Tubes.

This gleaming steel sculpture was inspired by the extraordinary sound of vortex rings travelling through the atmosphere at supersonic speed.

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First presented by IOU in 2012, the concept was devised and designed by IOU's David Wheeler and developed with award-winning composer Yannis Kyriakides.