Guest to show ‘I can’ attitude

Motivational speaker Richard McCannMotivational speaker Richard McCann
Motivational speaker Richard McCann
A motivational speaker will be showing businesses how an iCan attitude can help them succeed.

The Group “We Mean Business” is serious about motivating local businesses and has booked Richard McCann to speak at the next networking meeting on Wednesday, November 12, at 9.30am at Bailiff Bridge Community Centre.

Richard McCann will be inspiring people to have an iCan attitude as he talks about overcoming adversity in his life.

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At five-years-old he woke to find his mother had gone and it later emerged that she was the first victim of the notorious Yorkshire Ripper, Peter Sutcliffe.

He has been helping how businesses change the way they think and act.

Group Leader Rachel Gough said: “We are really looking forward to hearing Richard speak.

“If people feel overwhelmed with the challenges they are facing, Richard understands and can share techniques to help you overcome them.”

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We Mean Business offers support for small firms, sole traders and those thinking of starting a business.

The networking meeting also acts as a business support group which understands the real issues businesses face and provides advice and training to help address them.

The group meets on the second Wednesday of each month from 9.30am to 11.30am at Bailiff Bridge Community Centre.

The cost of the networking meeting is £10 cash on the door.

Richard is a high profile speaker so places at the networking meeting will be booked up quickly.

To book your place, email