Pupils flourish thanks to work at Longroyde

Ofsted at Longroyde Junior School, Longroyde Road, Brighouse. Head teacher Robert Fox with music students.Ofsted at Longroyde Junior School, Longroyde Road, Brighouse. Head teacher Robert Fox with music students.
Ofsted at Longroyde Junior School, Longroyde Road, Brighouse. Head teacher Robert Fox with music students.
Pupils are flourishing at a Rastrick School thanks to the leadership of the head teacher, senior leaders and governors.

The verdict comes in the latest Ofsted inspection at Longroyde Junior School which was overall rated good and was found to be outstanding for the behaviour and safety of pupils.

Lead inspector Kathleen McArthur said pupils are very proud of their school, saying it is “the best school in Rastrick”.

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“They flourish here and become increasingly mature and responsible individuals who understand and respect different religions, lifestyles and cultures,” she said.

“Very good relationships between pupils and staff mean that learning proceeds smoothly. Pupils have excellent attitudes in lessons which make a very strong contribution to their good and better progress.

“They co-operate happily, concentrate and persevere extremely well because they enjoy learning and want to do well.

“Attendance is above average. Even in the worst weather, the school stays open, sending a clear message to pupils and families that education is highly valued and important.”

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During the review, inspectors observed 17 lessons, including one observed jointly with the head teacher Robert Fox. They also praised the leadership and management of the school.

“Strong, very committed leadership at all levels has the full support of all staff and morale is high,” the report said.

“Leaders successfully achieve their aim of providing equal opportunities for all pupils. Consequently, all pupils achieve well, and attendance and standards are rising.

Staff provide outstanding care for pupils, especially those whose circumstances make them vulnerable. Pupils say that they feel extremely safe in school. Parents expressed very positive views about all aspects of the school.”

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Inspectors noted that to make the school outstanding, the quality of teaching, although improving rapidly, needs more improvement to result in outstanding achievement.

Attainment in maths also lags behind that of reading and writing.

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