Sports day fun at Bailiffe Bridge

Bailiffe Bridge Junior and Infant School sports day. Five-year-old Evie Heslop.Bailiffe Bridge Junior and Infant School sports day. Five-year-old Evie Heslop.
Bailiffe Bridge Junior and Infant School sports day. Five-year-old Evie Heslop.
The students at Bailiffe Bridge Primary School had a day of good sporting fun at their annual summer sports day.

All of the children got involved in various events which included an egg and spoon race, javelin throw, shuttle run and a skipping race.

Lots of fun was had by all with the children’s competitive sides shining through on the warm and sunny day.

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The pupils competed in their house teams, accumulating points in the various events throughout the day, and after the points were added up the Clifton house came out victorious.

The weather was perfect for the day’s activities and all of the children had a fantastic time with their parents cheering them on from the sidelines.

Is your school holding an event in the near future? If it is please email [email protected] with all the details and if you have any photos you’d like to share, tweet them @brighouse_echo