Calderdale's Local Plan moves on to next stage

The Local Plan has moved to the next stageThe Local Plan has moved to the next stage
The Local Plan has moved to the next stage
Calderdale's Local Plan has moved one step closer to becoming a reality after it was approved and recommended to a special council meeting at the end of this month.

At a meeting of Calderdale Council's Cabinet the 15 year plan was recommended to full council after a discussion by councillors and comments from Calderdale residents.

Read: Free parking trial to encourage visitors to EllandThe government requires local councils to produce a Local Plan which identifies land to meet their requirements for new housing and economic development, over the next 15 years.

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The council has calculated that it needs to identify sites for around 12,600 new homes, averaging 840 per year until 2033.

Cabinet member for Planning, Housing and Environment, Coun Dan Sutherland, told Cabinet members that the plan contains well thought out, sustainable growth for areas of the borough, including Brighouse and Rastrick where there will be two Garden Suburbs containing 4,000 homes.

Read: Calderdale Council refuses Sowerby Bridge waste incinerator applicationHe said: "I think this is a fantastic opportunity for those areas to become economic drivers for Calderdale."

The recommendation will be considered by the council at an Extraordinary Council meeting on June 21.

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Councillors will also be asked to approve a six week period when it will be possible to make formal representations, or comments, on the plan following its publication. This will close at 5pm on Monday 24 September.