Cash boost to crackdown on illegal building on Calderdale's Green Belt

Housing Minister Esther McVey MP (Photo by Leon Neal/Getty Images)Housing Minister Esther McVey MP (Photo by Leon Neal/Getty Images)
Housing Minister Esther McVey MP (Photo by Leon Neal/Getty Images)
Calderdale Council is set to benefit from a slice of nearly £2 million to crack down on illegal developments on the nation’s Green Belt, Housing Minister Esther McVey MP has announced.

Local authorities will be able to use the money to hire enforcement officers, use new technology, and help meet the legal costs of bringing rogue developers to task for their illegal developments.

Speaking at the annual RESI Convention in Newport, the Housing Minister announced that 37 councils would be receiving a total of up to £50,000 each to help with the clampdown.

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The Housing Minister Rt Hon Esther McVey MP said: "Once the Green Belt is built on it’s often gone for good that’s why we are determined to protect it. The public have told us loud and clear they want it kept for future generations to enjoy.

"The funding announced will help councils clamp down on rogue developers, giving the areas with the highest levels of Green Belt the funds needed to punish those who build illegally."

Reforms to the national planning rulebook last year maintained the strong protections on the Green Belt, which protect an area’s character and prevent urban sprawl.

Only in exceptional circumstances can land in the Green Belt be built on.

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