Drivers banned by special courts set up to deal with police drink drive campaign

Drink and drug drive campaign in West YorkshireDrink and drug drive campaign in West Yorkshire
Drink and drug drive campaign in West Yorkshire
Six motorists have been banned for drink driving on the first day of a series of special courts set up for a festive police campaign.

They were stopped by officers during West Yorkshire Police’s festive Drink Drug Drive Campaign and have been disqualified for a total of more than nine years by magistrates in Leeds.

Four drivers were charged with driving over the prescribed limit and two were charged with failing to provide a sample.

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All of them received driving bans – ranging from one year to two years and two months – adding up to total disqualifications of nine years and seven months.

Their fines and costs totalled £1,979 – averaging £330 each – and they were ordered to carry out a total of 280 hours unpaid work.

Two of the offenders have since lost their jobs.

Five further cases will receive an additional hearing with one listed for trial.

A number of special courts have been arranged at Leeds and Bradford Magistrates Courts to prosecute drivers arrested and charged during the December drink drug drive campaign.

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