Thieves abandon Land Rover in Sowerby Bridge after stealing it from a house 28 miles away

A stolen Land Rover was found in Sowerby BridgeA stolen Land Rover was found in Sowerby Bridge
A stolen Land Rover was found in Sowerby Bridge
A stolen Land Rover was recovered by Calderdale police after it was taken from a property 28 miles away.

A Land Rover Discovery was taken in the early hours of May 23 2019, from a property in Eastby, Skipton.

Fortunately, the owner had installed a tracker in the vehicle, and, when he reported the theft to North Yorkshire Police at 9am, he was able to provide an area near Sowerby Bridge where the vehicle had been abandoned.

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Officers contacted colleagues at West Yorkshire Police, who located the vehicle at 10.30am, and recovered it to a secure location for forensic examination. It will then be returned to its rightful owner.

Owners of Land Rovers in North Yorkshire – particularly those living in rural areas – are being asked to follow this crime prevention advice:

PCSO Sally Breen, from North Yorkshire Police’s Rural Taskforce, said: “It’s important that anyone who owns a Land Rover – particularly if it’s parked in an unpopulated or rural area – to take extra steps to ensure it is left safe and secure.

“It’s much better to spend a bit of time and money now on improving your security than to go through the inconvenience and upset of losing your vehicle to thieves.

“Members of the public act as our eyes and ears, and so if you are aware of any suspicious activity around parked vehicles, don’t hesitate to contact us, and we will take action.”