Thieves strike at organisation which helps Calderdale's vulnerable families

Police were called to The Threeways Centre in Ovenden after the break-in.Police were called to The Threeways Centre in Ovenden after the break-in.
Police were called to The Threeways Centre in Ovenden after the break-in.
A team which helps some of the most vulnerable families in Calderdale has been left reeling by a break-in.

Mothershare, based at The Threeways Centre on Nursery Lane, Ovenden, was unable to deliver essential equipment to parents with new babies yesterday because of the attack.

Other services at the centre are also understood to have been hit when thieves smashed their way in during the early hours of yesterday.

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Catherine Maun, service co-ordinator at Mothershare, said the damage caused by the culprits put them out of operation for the whole of yesterday.

"They didn't get into our office but they broke the door to the extent that we couldn't get in either," she said.

"We had referrals ready to go out to families that were desperately needed and we couldn't access them.

"It was really hard to see those items ready to go out and not being able to get to them.

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"These people stopped items from going out to families that needed them."

Mothershare works to reduce child poverty by providing families in need with the basics for caring for their babies.

For more information about the donations they need and how you can help, visit