Halifax centre to close as Tour de Yorkshire rides into town

PIC: Bruce RollinsonPIC: Bruce Rollinson
PIC: Bruce Rollinson
Halifax centre will be fully closed to unauthorised vehicular traffic as the Tour de Yorkshire rides into town on Sunday.

Most road closures will be rolling, lasting no more than 30 minutes along the route, which can be found here.

There is a clearway along the route and parked vehicles must be off the race route in good time.

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The centre of the town will be fully closed to unauthorised vehicular traffic from 6am until 3pm on Sunday, May 6.

PIC: Bruce RollinsonPIC: Bruce Rollinson
PIC: Bruce Rollinson

This is to accommodate the team buses and support vehicles for the race that will be parked along Horton Street, Market Street and Russell Street.

The area is fully accessible for pedestrians that will have the opportunity to see the cyclists arriving on the team buses.

For a full list of Yorkshire road closures, click here

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