Letter: Abysmal quality of thinking from Number 10

Photo by TOLGA AKMEN/AFP via Getty ImagesPhoto by TOLGA AKMEN/AFP via Getty Images
Photo by TOLGA AKMEN/AFP via Getty Images
Reader letter by Barry Crossland, Elland.

I am filled with dismay by the Government’s all round incompetence.

The pandemic has been badly handled. Failure to do a review and dismantling Public Health England leaves everyone bemused.

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Bumbling Boris blaming the chaos in education on a mutant algorithm is utter garbage.

There is an ostrich approach to climate change when carbon dioxide levels are increasing at five per cent a decade.

This increases the chances that the next flood in Calderdale will be worse.

The latest announcement of the HS2 go ahead will cost every man, woman and child in Calderdale £1,500 for zero economic benefit after 2033. HS2 is a financial and ecological basket case.

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The economy is taking a big hit and immediate action is needed to create useful jobs throughout the country.

Fortunately, the Green New Deal provides a blueprint to provide jobs, reduce carbon emissions and build a more resilient economy.

Our present housing stock could be made more energy efficient by improving insulation.

Building new houses to high energy efficient standards requires a more skilled workforce than the present spec builders.

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Replacing old gas boilers with heat pumps is easy. Increasing renewable energy and manufacturing our own solar panels and windmills is better than importing millions of tonnes of coal per annum from Russia.

The NHS and care sector have taken a battering and skilled workers cannot be created instantly.

However, large numbers of trainees could take the pressure off the skilled staff and ultimately provide a skilled workforce for the future.

There are plenty of bright ideas around and the Green Party has a comprehensive range of policies on its website.

The centralisation of power in 10 Downing Street and the abysmal quality of the thinking coming from there has made a tough position worse.