Resident thinks there are bigger priorities rather than salt

Resident thinks there are bigger priorities rather than saltResident thinks there are bigger priorities rather than salt
Resident thinks there are bigger priorities rather than salt
With regard to the plan of the council to spend £1.1 million pounds on a structure to to cover the salt pile for winter gritting, I would like to make the following observations.

It appears that if we cover the salt pile totally the council will save the ratepayers £34,000 per year. Apparently this is the cost of the salt we lose to run off /erosion. If the cost of salt is £90 per ton, then this equates to 377 tons approximately lost to the elements. This is an absurd figure.

Sticking my finger in the air I would be amazed if the loss to rainfall, wind etc exceeds three tons, total loss £270. We are talking petty cash sums here.

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Let the ratepayers see the figures to show how we will save £34,000, bearing in mind we have to spend £1.1 million pounds to make this saving. As the salt pile is being added to continuously throughout the summer, an accurate salt loss figure can only be a guess.

This vain glorious project needs stopping now before it gains any further traction. There are many far more urgent things that require attending to in this town than covering a salt pile.

Come back to mother Earth, councillors.


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