Rebecca is top of her class

Rebecca Parkinson, from Valerie Holmes Property Lawyers in Hipperholme, is celebrating achieving the highest mark of 74% for her Land Law examRebecca Parkinson, from Valerie Holmes Property Lawyers in Hipperholme, is celebrating achieving the highest mark of 74% for her Land Law exam
Rebecca Parkinson, from Valerie Holmes Property Lawyers in Hipperholme, is celebrating achieving the highest mark of 74% for her Land Law exam
Rebecca Parkinson, from Valerie Holmes Property Lawyers in Hipperholme, is celebrating achieving the highest mark of 74 per cent for her Land Law exam out of all the students on the Council for Licensed Conveyancers Course in 2014.

This high accolade will be acknowledged with the presentation of a prize in the form of a cheque. Valerie Holmes said: “I am very proud of Rebecca. She has worked incredibly hard and deserves this award reflecting how much dedication she has shown to her studies. Rebecca has inspired two more members of my staff to also take the course to get the CLC accreditation.”

Course tutor Julia Aveyard added: “Rebecca’s achievement is the result of her hard work and commitment to the course. She has made full use of all the facilities we have to offer, such as our virtual learning environment, and this has ensured that Rebecca and all the other CLC students on the course have passed their exams this year.”