Rotary Club of Halifax’s Presidential Handover in this its Centenary Year

Caroline Pell and Linda Parker.Caroline Pell and Linda Parker.
Caroline Pell and Linda Parker.
A new president has stepped up to the position at the Rotary Club of Halifax.

Newly inducted president Caroline Pell took over the role from past president Linda Parker.

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Prior to the handover members expressed their many thanks to Linda for her wonderful guidance and for the club’s successful year despite Covid lockdown disruptions.

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The Club continued to raise funds which have been distributed to local, national and international charities.

But now the new president has an exciting year ahead.

But now the new president has an exciting year ahead. It was in January 1922 that prominent business people in Halifax became aware of the foundling Rotary movement in the UK and decided to establish a club to help and support local townspeople.

During the last hundred years the Rotary club of Halifax has been a moving charitable force in helping others and providing comfort, guidance and financial support to hundreds of charities benefitting thousands upon thousands of local people.

Thus, in its Centenary Year commencing this July, President Caroline has announced a programme of events which is sure to keep all Club members very busy.

Projects and activities will include the participation of local townsfolk so, ‘watch this space’ readers in the coming months

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