Smoking ban to council sites

Date:23rd March 2015. Picture James Hardisty, Northgate House Council Offices, in the centre of Halifax.Date:23rd March 2015. Picture James Hardisty, Northgate House Council Offices, in the centre of Halifax.
Date:23rd March 2015. Picture James Hardisty, Northgate House Council Offices, in the centre of Halifax.
Smoking outside council buildings could soon be banned, as part of Calderdale Council's work to help reduce smoking rates and have positive impacts on people's health and the environment.

Calderdale Council’s Cabinet will consider recommendations from the Adults, Health and Social Care Scrutiny Panel to ban smoking in the grounds of council buildings and outside building entrances by January 2017.

Members will also consider removing smoking shelters outside council buildings.

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Councillor Marilyn Greenwood, Chair of Calderdale Council’s Adults, Health and Social Care Scrutiny Panel, said: “As we all know, smoking causes so many health problems and this is the most important reason for continuing to do as much as we can to help people kick the habit.

“It also makes financial sense. A couple who each smoke 10 cigarettes a day spend over £3000 per year, so quitting means more money for things like family holidays, home improvements or a car.

“A ban on smoking outside council and NHS buildings is one way that we can set a positive example. This would go alongside our work to encourage and support smokers to think about giving up, which includes highlighting the many advantages that quitting has on daily life.”

These recommendations have also been made to Calderdale and Huddersfield NHS Foundation Trust (CHFT) about their buildings.

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The Panel has also asked CHFT to sign the NHS Statement of Support for Tobacco Control.

Calderdale Council was the first local authority in West Yorkshire to sign up to the Local Government Declaration on Tobacco Control, showing commitment to reducing smoking rates and highlighting the risk to health from tobacco.

The Council made all Council-owned children’s playgrounds smoke-free to try to discourage young people from starting to smoke and create healthier environments. It is also working with West Yorkshire Trading Standards o tackle illegal tobacco sales and stop dealers who sell to children.

Calderdale was the first council in England to offer smokers caught dropping litter the chance to attend stop smoking sessions rather than pay a fine.