Red Arrows Halifax fly-past draws in the crowds

The Red Arrows fly over Eureka!, Halifax.The Red Arrows fly over Eureka!, Halifax.
The Red Arrows fly over Eureka!, Halifax.
Hundreds of people turned to the skies as the Red Arrows flew in formation over Halifax town centre.

Their path took them over over Eureka! who had requested the fly-past to mark their summer playfest.

People congregated in the grounds of the museum; on Beacon Hill and even on top of town centre buildings to catch a glimpse of the world famous squadron.

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White smoke billowed from the rear as the ten Hawk aircraft flew overhead in mange formation - similar to a ten-pin bowling rack.

The Red Arrows fly over Eureka!, Halifax.The Red Arrows fly over Eureka!, Halifax.
The Red Arrows fly over Eureka!, Halifax.

Crowds cheered and the excitement was tangible as all ages took in the spectacle with children from the Eureka! nursery waving flags and banners for the squadron.

Eureka! chief executive Leigh-Anne Stradeski said: “It is really exciting. It’s not something that happens every day. I’m really pleased they agreed to pass over.

“The children have been really excited but I think some of the adults and staff might have been even more excited.”

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Check out our video featuring reaction and the Red Arrows fantastic fly over seen from Beacon Hill and around Calderdale.

If you managed to catch the fly-past why not tweet your pictures to @HxCourier or email them to [email protected]