Resurfacing hole riddled Burnley Road in repair scheme

Todmoreden Pot Holes. Burnley Road, Cornholme.Todmoreden Pot Holes. Burnley Road, Cornholme.
Todmoreden Pot Holes. Burnley Road, Cornholme.
A road so riddled with potholes it has been deemed beyond ordinary repair is set to be resurfaced as part of a £1 million council scheme.

The A646 Burnley Road at Cornholme is one of three schemes which will share in the cash set aside by Calderdale Council for routes which are beyond repair and will have to be resurfaced.

It is expected that work will start in mid-summer.

The announcement was made as the council also pledged to take more action over road repairs following the Deaprtment of Transport’s announcement of a £200,000 fund to tackle potholes across the borough.

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In all the council has allocated £3 million for repairs to worn out roads which include the £1 million for Cornholme and roads at Godley Lane, Halifax, and Gibb Lane, at Mount Tabor.

Earlier this month concerns over the state of Todmorden’s roads reached a peak when a pedestrian was injured after catching his foot in a pothole at Roachdalde Road, Todmorden, close to the town centre, amid a host of trouble spots highlighted by Todmorden residents who set up the Todmorden Road Quality Facebook page, an adjunct of the Keep Todmorden’s Roads Safe page. The group has reported numerous trouble spots around town and highlighted fears that the state of the roads had reached a dangerous level in some parts of the town as far as road safety was concerned, particularly Burnley Road from Knott’s Bend through Cornholme and a number of sections on Rochdale Road from the town centre to Walsden, including its junction with Bacup Road.

And pedestrian Jack Bentley told of how he twisted his ankle while trying to dash across Rochdale Road near Fielden Square after his foot caught in a pothole.

The council accepts the issue needs tackling. Coun Barry Collins, council Cabinet member for regeneration and economic development, said: “Potholes are a menace to drivers, cyclists and pedestrians. Tackling them is a key priority for the council.”

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