Special event to remember beloved friend

Alisha Porter - organising a fundraising event in memory of her best friend Ashleigh Banforth.Alisha Porter - organising a fundraising event in memory of her best friend Ashleigh Banforth.
Alisha Porter - organising a fundraising event in memory of her best friend Ashleigh Banforth.
A woman has organised a fundraising event in memory of her best friend who died suddenly just after Christmas.

Ashleigh Danforth collapsed in the street and died on December 29 from an undiagnosed heart condition. She was just 22-years-old.

Now her best friend Alisha Porter wants to keep Ashleigh’s memory alive by raising money for Cardiac Risk in the Young (CRY).

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Every week in the UK at least 12 young people die of undiagnosed heart conditions and CRY works to reduce the frequency of young sudden cardiac death, supports those young people diagnosed with potentially life-threatening cardiac conditions and offers bereavement support to affected families.

Alisha, 22, of Siddal, said: “When Ashleigh died, I just turned to my mum and said ‘what am I going to do?’.

“She was the person I looked to, we did everything together. She had never had a passport, but when I moved abroad she got one so she could come and see me. She was the most caring person you could ever meet, she knew how to be with people and she was always so caring and nurturing.

“She never took anything for granted and she lived life for each day and didn’t let anything stop her. I wanted to make the event something to remember her by and I think it will be a really special way to do that.”

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Ashleigh’s fundraiser will be held at the Holy Nativity Church, Mixenden, on Tuesday, March 8, from 10am-noon. There will be a tombola, raffle and a cake stall. You can donate by at www.justgiving.com/Alisha-Porter.