'˜Unsafe' care home landed back in special measures after inspection

Alison Hartley with resident Gertrude Henley at Lee Mount Care Home.Alison Hartley with resident Gertrude Henley at Lee Mount Care Home.
Alison Hartley with resident Gertrude Henley at Lee Mount Care Home.
A Halifax care home has been warned it is not safe and told it must improve its fire evacuation plan.

Lee Mount Residential Home, on Lee Mount Road, was rated “inadequate” and placed into special measures by the Care Quality Commission (CQC) after inspectors found medicines were not being managed safely and there were not enough staff.

The home was first rated inadequate in 2015 but was raised to the “requires improvement” category last year.

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In its latest report, the CQC said: “People were not always being administered their medicines as prescribed.

“We saw tablets were not always recorded as received accurately. For example, we saw a box containing four tablets had been recorded as one received.

“A fire officer carried out an inspection of the premises on December 6, 2016, and issued an enforcement notice on 16 December 2016, telling the provider they must make improvements to the premises, fire risk assessment and evacuation procedures by March 27.” But the CQC said that the service was caring and rated it “good” in that category.

It said: “Staff were kind, patient, caring and friendly. They knew about people in their care and individual preferences.”

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Lee Mount care manager Safina Munir said: “We are currently working on an action plan and we are confident that we will have everything completed on the action plan before the next CQC visit.”

The home will be visited again within the next six months. If improvements have not been made the CQC can take action to close the home.

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