Wrap up with festive love

Tony Nerbert and Brian Hulin with Rotary Shoe Boxes at Tesco's, Brighouse.Tony Nerbert and Brian Hulin with Rotary Shoe Boxes at Tesco's, Brighouse.
Tony Nerbert and Brian Hulin with Rotary Shoe Boxes at Tesco's, Brighouse.
Brighouse Rotarians were pushing the giant superstore’s ‘every little helps’ slogan as they handed out shoeboxes in the Calderdale Rotary Shoebox campaign to make a difference to the lives of those less fortunate, this Christmas.

Rotarians Tony Nerbert and Brian Hulin, pictured, and David Taylor were at Tesco, Brighouse, encouraging public support.

The response was impressive, said David, who helped hand out 125 shoeboxes. He said around 50 boxes have already been returned filled with gifts and now hopes people will return the remaining shoeboxes over the next couple of weeks.

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The Rotarians also collected for donations towards the cost of making the boxes. Mr Taylor said the collection box was full.

On December 13, the Rotary will run the Rest Centre, Park Row. From 10am-12pm, mince pies, cake and tea and coffee will be served and members invite the public to attend the pre-Christmas celebration.