Flurry of cards but Rishies win

Old Rishworthians vs West Park Leeds
James Clarke second tryOld Rishworthians vs West Park Leeds
James Clarke second try
Old Rishworthians vs West Park Leeds James Clarke second try
Old Rishworthians did enough in the first 30 minutes to beat West Park Leeds yesterday, registering a first ever league success against their visitors by 34-15.

There was some flowing rugby from the home backs and some strong forward play, especially from the front row of Anthony Nathaniel, Chris Stone and Ryan Mudd, while lock Ben Robinson was outstanding throughout.

After a good start to the second half to gain a bonus point try, Rishworthians suddenly found they could do nothing right for the referee and ended up with three yellow cards in three minutes.

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Their 12 men defended magnificently as the visitors threw everything at them but could not break through.

It was a great start to the game from Rishworthians. Centre Sam Nunn and flanker Nick Faulkner both made strong breaks before the ball went wide and centre Joe Billing superbly off loaded to put right wing Luke Flanagan in at the corner.

Fly half Josh Kelly kicked an excellent conversion.

Soon after Robinson took the first of many good lineout catches and the pack drove on 15 metres before No 8 James Clarke almost broke through. The ball then went wide and left wing Anthony Shoesmith looped round to put Flanagan in at the corner for his second try.

Kelly added another good conversion and then stretched the lead with a penalty.

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Shoesmith and Flanagan both almost got over and Robinson was unlucky to see a ball he had charged down go dead.

Robinson then won another lineout and play went wide with Clarke popping up in the centre and making a determined 20 metre drive to touch down.

Rishworthians were coasting but then went to sleep from a quickly taken penalty to concede a converted try wide on the right.

The half ended with Billing appearing to touch down only to have it ruled out.

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The visitors opened the second half strongly and reduced the arrears with a penalty, but the home side then won the ball well on the ground and it went wide for Clarke to appear on the left wing and drive on 20 metres to touch down the bonus point try in the corner. Kelly converted.

Billing then sold an outrageous dummy and almost put scrum half Liam Phillips in, before everything changed.

A series of knock-ons by both sides went unnoticed before the sudden flurry of yellow cards reduced Rishworthians to 12 men.

They defended brilliantly and did not concede until they had returned to full a complement and gave away an unconverted try to a forward drive.

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They then got another yellow card as a tackle by Stone was adjudged high. Straight after Shoesmith was taken out in the air going up to catch a high ball, but that went unpunished.

Rishworthians got themselves back on track to end the game well. Flanker Gerard Rollings broke away with the ball in his own half before linking with Nunn.

The teenage centre kicked ahead, regathered the ball and put the supporting Phillips in for the final try.

The Development team continue unbeaten after eight games with another high scoring win, this time at Old Crossleyans. Liam Normanton got three tries and Lee Atkinson two in a 62-0 victory.