FC Halifax Town: "We're creeping back to what we're good at" - Niall Maher's captain's column

Niall Maher. Photo: Marcus BranstonNiall Maher. Photo: Marcus Branston
Niall Maher. Photo: Marcus Branston
We deserved the win on Saturday, it was a bit backs-against-the-wall in the second-half and obviously the sending-off didn't help.

I didn't think it was a sending-off and a team like Woking, they're physical and direct and they're going to try and pin you back, try and flood the box.

But it shows how resilient we are and how much we work hard for each other, and I thought we deserved all three points in the end.

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It's been a great response since our back-to-back defeats, and it shows the character we've got in the group.

I always said there should be no panic, I'm not one to panic anyway.

Throughout the season you're always going to get a few results that don't go your way, and it was good we put that right sooner rather than later.

It just shows we're still all believing in how good we are, and how far we've come this season, and it's not finished yet.

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It's all about the results and sometimes it doesn't matter how you get them.

Sometimes it's just about getting those three points, no matter how ugly it is, as long as you work hard and you take your opportunities, that's the main thing.

Within the group, we're probably not playing as well as we thought we could be, for whatever reasons.

Only individuals and us as a collective can put that right.

But over the last few games we're starting to be ourselves again, we're creeping back to what we're good at, and as long as we do that in the last seven games then we'll be more than happy with how we've done this season.

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We're trying to keep ourselves level-headed about how well we've done this season and keep pushing and keep going because being us is what's got us to where we are.

We've not been distracted by anything else or the outside noise, so as long as we keep our feet fully on the ground and do the task we've been asked, we'll keep going.

The fans have got to keep believing in us too, and not listen to any distractions, because there might be a few blips along the way, but as long as we all stick together and we're going in the right direction, then the results will come.

These next two games are vital. Alty are a good footballing side.

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Chesterfield don't have a game on Friday so it could be a good time to put a points gap between us and them going into Monday.

But we're not looking at the table or other opposition, we can't worry about Chesterfield, we've got to be fully focused on Altrincham, put our game-plan together and look to execute that on Friday.